Friday, November 27, 2009


Proverbs 17v.2
A wicked man listens to evil lips; a liar pays attention to a malicious tongue.
Be mindful of what your not only entertaining but feeding your soul on a daily. If the things of God are not before you at the start of the day then your subjected to the tricks and tactics of the devil and his foot soldiers{people ,there attitudes, and anything to take your focus off of the mission or primary objective of God}. Watch for those individuals who plot evil and those who like to see others left in a disarray. Watch threw out your day people and what they are subjecting themselves to listen too{music ,reading, and etc. } not knowing subliminal messages cause us to act and react to the things we subject our flesh to.
Notice threw out your day what your drawn or take liking too. The Bible says what you feed your soul is what your liking to have in your heart whether it be hidden or it will be exposed as you talk walk ,etc. whatever your countenance may be. Like a liar we all know and have that type of person in our lives. at one point or another; but at what point do you turn away from those things that are not liking unto our Father. I mean why would you want to be identified with a liar there tendencies are about deception and they will do anything to save themselves and to leave you out to dry.
The next thing is that a liar does is gossip which once it gets into your soul it causes you to act or to look upon others differently{causes division and confusion, also causes you to see a person from another persons prospective without once seen considering the person and judge them righteously and by Godly eyes; for the word of God says " judge each man by his spirit "and God will judge them by there works} oh how we all love and at one point or another we are at the center of it or we are the ones listening to it or partaking of it. And when I say partaking of it is when you allow yourself to take part in the conversation or you wide spread or broad cast-telling someone who tells someone else.
Ask God to turn your ear and lips from the things that are foolish and are not to up build his kingdom. But to give a strong love and passion for the things of him and a strong HATE for the things of the flesh.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Stay In Your Lane!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Corinthians ch.8v.12
But when ye sin against the brethern, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ.
This tends to be the trend setter or most "Christians" when God places a calling on our lives or we lived according to this truth for years or we get to high or as some may put it " drunk with power/position" or you read to much word and your so heavenly bound til you don't really care or pay any attention when you offend not only your brothers and sisters in Christ but you also offend the new comers{babes-just coming into the knowledge and Love of God}and sinners.
At that point alone you really need to take a step back and remember when you were nothing and God placed a witness{disciple}in the mist of your life when you were going threw or starting out and how they treated you and God delivered you from your safe and renewed your trust and ability to Love again.
And for those who have been walking this walk for years and your nastier now then when you first started Loving Jesus Christ you need to go back and refresh/renew your covenant with God ; cause look at it like this for example when you get to heaven your considered a "rookie-fresh out of death now your living in eternal bliss, and you have someone like Paul or Moses and they treat you according to your years of being in God , now mind you they've been there for more than 10-20 decades or better ,so what can you do or say to them about God that they don't already know? and if they treated you as such how that make you feel ? Lo and offended and then you would want to cry or say something to offend or to make the person feel how they made you feel(acting fleshy that's not Kingdom attitudes). Same is it when you either past judgement on someone or you make them feel dumb ,and treat them as air heads like they don't know anything, or you be little them so much til they don't want to say anything cause there scared of the reaction or the negative response, But if we ever get to the point as believers and perfect our walk and live this truth to the fullest then we wont have time to crisis others; cause at the end of the day you reap what you sow. For the Bible says :how can you love Me when you don't love my people and you see them all the time and you never seen Me"
God also only uses the meek and lowly. Those are the people that know how to walk, talk, and draw those that are not of this flock nearer not unto themselves but unto God. And they understand the sensitivity of Gods word and his marvelous works. {1Corinthians ch9v.22 says"To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men , that I might by all means save some.}
Stop speeding for its when we move to fast and far ahead of God when we start to not only mess ourselves up but you cause people to run from the Love and Comfort of God and that's when he will destroy you. Cause your now seen as a curse and hindrance to the throne and your not trying to uplift the Kingdom but your trying to tare it down .Again PLEASE!!, PLEASE!! Stay where and be who God has called you to be; cause its when you cross- over or you show respect a person and offend your follow flock that's when your operating out of self and be made to be seen as a fool, but in your eyes seen wise". Block not the spirit by your thoughts and feelings but really move and operate always in: Spirit /Wisdom/Truth/ Love /Righteousness/ Godliness/ Holiness.{2 Peter ch.1 v2-10}.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You Cant Get What I get Unless Your Walk Is Secure In Him

Psalms ch. 20 v. 6
Now know I that the Lord saveth his annointed; he will hear him from his Holy Heaven with the saving strength of his right.
If your not saved{evidence that you love , serve , and your flesh has died so that God can be in control of your life}then how can you even expect that you can receive the blessing from the Father when there is no yielding in your spirit, no true Love for God nor the respect for his creations. And why would he give freely unto you? If that were so then you would never have had to meet the Christ and its no point in us that are in true love and infatuation with Him to even much live, speak, nor breath this truth!!
But I have great news this day the devil has tactics to make you think that your being bless when its evident that your just getting by or pardon by grace{a chance to come into the knowledge of Him}see its nothing about you or the knowledge that you that's sustaining you! but its the prays of those around you that keep you. I mean lets look at it like this: If i can shack up with a woman and have sex with her everyday {practice being married when clearly that's a vow or promise to he Lord and is very sacred and mysterious and only God can unlock or reveal that relationship unto you . making your bond and soul Tye stronger each moment spent and sexual relation performed}why would i remotely think that God is going to bless me or even honor my prayers when I living in disobedience's. So please don't be fooled or played as a fool to even think that God HONORS THE PROUD HEARTED, DISRESPECTFUL, DISTASTEFUL ,and etc. cause he doesn't even know you and all your prayers and problems will manifest itself: in other words "Every weapon formed against you shall and will prosper" and all your prayers and living is in vain!
Now for those that are Loving and your election in Jesus is valid than live breath and always in expectancy of God and to move on your behalf "Favorable Living". God honors and loves those who are loving a submissive to his word and ill reveal his wonderful and marvelous works unto us.
Pay attention to the works of the devil when you see that most of the time he tries to attack you when your down , doubtful, or if your " iffy "{not sure} about Gods promises towards you. His tactic is to attack the mind once something has your mind your heart is soon to follow. But refresh yourself with this word {renew} daily your relationship with God repair/perfect those issues that bother or are mind boggling. The promises of God to repeat and recall when you think your prayers are being forsaken: "The prays and the concerns of the righteous am I concern with" ill never put more on you than what I know you can bare"" Ill never leave you nor forsake you" I am not a man that i should lie" Draw "closer" unto Me and I will draw "closer" unto you"" Never have I seen the righteous forsaken".
Rest your heart and mind on Him for he cares and Loves you much. All you have to do is trust Him and hold him to every word
ABRAHAM SEEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(only those that are his know what that means)

Monday, November 16, 2009

OOppss!!!!!! My Bad!!!!!!!!!!!!

PROVERBS 20 ch.25
It is a trap for a man to dedicate something rashly and later to consider his vows
Its funny when we do things or allow ourselves to get involved in matters that cause a(n) up rise in our flesh we then wanna recall the principle of the matter after the fact, aka : when we think the fire has burned down. But little do we know accountability is still placed upon us for just the fact of you knowing by now what you are doing and we never consider the reputation of God is at stake in all matters of life.
I mean how can you first say or even allow the form of these words " I'm a Christian" to even take form out of your mouth when there isn't a(n) once of God in your life. That's like saying I don't drink nor have sex but everyone sees you in the "Clubs "or even out to "Happy Hour "and your a regular and all the fellas and ladies know you they even go as far as giving you a nick name. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But when your really in tune and in touch with the things of God{the Holy Spirit -which leads guides and directs (impulses) you from hurting or helping the reputation of Christ} you avoid or you don't try and purposely hurt those and the one who you say your loving. Its like God allowing you to lose your house then coming back saying ill never leave you nor forsake you or better yet he allows you to go threw torment and then come back and say "follow me and i really love and care for you."
But if God ever got to the point where he treats us like we treat him.{cause sin is ever before us its if you resist the temptation(the devil )so that he will flee} I mean what if God never wanted to send his only Son to sacrifice and die on the cross for our mistakes and stupidities and further more what if God never allowed the mistakes or trial of others to be published in the Bible and what if God never gave or provided us with this tool of life{THE WORD aka THE BIBLE} to teach or instruct the proper way of saying and understanding love and to even show love for not only him but a disciple to others ? Where in all truth and honesty will we be or what will we become. Nothing !!!!!! cause without Christ residing in you than you will continue to willingly sin and then always come with that "oops my bad" or that old "I made a boo boo AKA mistake"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seek to treat God and His Holy Spirit the way you would want to be treated. In God there are mistakes but the difference comes in when you allow your flesh(thoughts) to win and take over your subconsciously thoughts and beliefs especially when truth has been instilled in you.
Once your in Christ you become a new creature old things {thought, the old way you used to think or be} are past away and all things and everything becomes brand new(feeling the freedom that comes from the spirit/all things in God and the things of God become transparent and in all things and every thing you just have to ask; but by his name alone and he just gives and adds freely}Never think that you can do things to cause people to turn away and run from God without a cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never form nor get in the habit of making purposefully rushed mistakes and always think that God will come to your rescue["for you reap what you sow in your due and expected season"}.
Ex.: You sow sex you reap: AIDS , a BABY, or even a(n) STD OOPS MY BAD!!!!!!
You sow drinking and smoking and usage of illegal narcotics you reap:lost lives , a lack of trust from your friends and family , a strong addiction(strong hold in which the only thing that can bring you out is Jesus! not rehab but Jesus!), not only affecting you but you rob the life of those around you or that's being formed in you, lost of marriages(a(n) sacred oath or promise to the Lord). You sow broken promises and vows and you reap: a deaf ear and mimicking from God, Unanswered prayers and desires that will never be met, death , the risk of living without a covering over your soul, emptiness, Lost and never know Love. For its better not to promise unto the Lord anything that you plan on not keeping.
But if and when you rush and sow righteously than you will reap : Perfection- in the error of your life to not only deliver you from the snares of yourself but also the snares and the thoughts and speech of the enemy and you can help deliver this very thing that brought you out{God}}Abundance-God just gives unto you so much til you cant take anymore and you want to share this very same thing with others around you so that they cab share this same experience{but only those that are truely living for him cause one cant understand the ways and things of God without first FALLING IN LOVE WITH HIM! Righteousness-where your walk and talk finally have a purpose or matter cause you spew forth this righteousness, peace, and Love that has been fulfilled in you. And its not the opinion of you that matters but its the heart and mind of God that matters and you become his personal mouth piece a true instrument of not only Light but Life. Wisdom-where God allows you to think , speak ,and understand clearer and have pure motives for God and the people of God . You even began to pray and seek after God and the things of God differently; it gets to a point where materialistic things don't matter(car , house, friend , and a home,etc.)but the souls of others burn and bothers you so much til you have a hunger and a passionate desire to give and distribute this truth aka "THE GIFT".
Purposely Fall in love with God and the Desires of His Heart. Rush and consider him quickly and watch him bless you quickly.
"Now I meant to do that"

Look No More Here Is The Answer

1 Peter 3v.15
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
Truth and Testimony are what people are after and not what you feel or what you think but how God has come in and change you and how can they get straight.
The word of God says"that a wise man seeks after the things of Me and the more i will give and add freely {knowledge, wisdom, holiness, truth, and a light in there dark hearts and spirits}of myself unto him.
But if your not a product of "changed minds"{living saved and a true product of this word and living out all of Gods promises} than you cant never fulfill nor give a proper response. If your not full how can you fill someone elses cup?
What your around expresses and will be revealed whats in you. So if you study and retain this Great Truth when others ask you "What is it that keeps you going when all else has failed or when things are going well "? Than you will start sharing your testimony and in telling you have this bursting sensation and you just start to bust and reveal truth{like a stream in the valley flowing endlessly} That's what it is to be seen to be in Love you cant wait to share of this new found Love in your life and every day something new comes about do to the drawing{attraction/studying}closer and you cant help but wait to see what the next day Intel's.
But without studying nor becoming a product of this "Truth"-{giving this gift as it was given unto you} than you cant ever give a proper response and you will cause others to mess up further than what they already are, do to the lack of studying and applying ; letting God be your foundation on which you stand as well as the apple of your eye{ We can eat this fruit}So live out and DISTRIBUTE!!!!!!!!!!! this truth on a daily because how you respond can cause a person to get what they are seeking for which is always TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .
Effect for change the more you study the more you have to talk about aka less of yourself{boasting and bragging} and more of HIM.
The deeds that Gods finds pleasing are those done in service for him {Hebrew 11v1-6}

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who's Your Daddy?

Proverbs ch. 23 v.10
Remove not the old landmark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless.
Once God has elected you into his undying love and embraces you under his almighty shadow of his wing and shows you a deeper love and compassion that goes further beyond our own understanding and beliefs. I mean this is the type of love that threw every error in your life he wants you to prefect or become a(n) expert in the field so that when others or even yourself is faced with this same or similar circumstances you can be a light and feed your flesh that very same word that brought you out pf what was hurting you.
Verses the other love {devils love}that feels like your father or mother comes around every blue moon just to give gifts or drop off money and it gets your spirits up for that moment cause your young and you don't know better(temporary love) and then once that moment has passed or they never show up after telling you that they are on there way, Or they are coming to have you spend the night and they leave you vulnerable and a empty or even void cause they never showed up which then messes you up in other relationships further along in life because you don't know who you can trust and you cant stand to face disappointment's.
Why would you want to settle for a love that's temporal when the things of God are forever and established. Its like your father coming home with a new gift for you every day and that gift isn't just for the moment but its forever and it causes change that makes you wiser, spiritual minded, and it leaves you wanting more and the only thing that you have to do is just ask and believe instead of something given unto you and at any given moment you an lose it and its an underline cost(your life and soul for the money,fame,gold witch tarnishes and rust and fades to old etc. anything that is materialistic and causes you to feel as if you gained allot and you end up losing plenty:family,friends and your relationship with God "Thou shall have no other God Before Me") when every thing pertaining to God and his love is free and the only thing you have to do is rid yourself of self and fall in love with others just as he has fallen in love with you.
So why would you want to leave all this TRUE &TRUTHFUL LOVE when your just leaving it for death, independence,self reliance and all other traits that a child feels with the absent of a parent with no true love, no concern(wither you eat , sleep , or have a place to stay),but are fooled by temp. love that always feels good at the time then fades. Stay in love with the one who wants whats best for you and will always lead, guide, and direct you in the right way that you should grow and know.
NOW THAT'S REAL LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Annionted Mouth Peaces of Truth

Jeremiah ch.1 v. 9
Then the Lord put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the Lord said unto me,behold, i have put my words in thy mouth.
Letting God use you as a(n) instrument or mouth piece to do his bid or Holy works you should never be scared nor nervous ; because God is not going to put you in any situation that you will feel or be embarrassed but he puts you in places where he knows he will be Glorified and his and the commissioning of the word will be planted.
Look at it like this as a sinner you were never nervous to drink, smoke, curse, fornicate,or anything that is unruly and unjust in the sight of God. You weren't even worried if and when people where looking nor what they thought of you, especially when we were committing the act or if you really look at it now we were plan fools in plain sight. So now why is it if God is sending you somewhere we have all the top excuses in the nation: 'Why me? "I don't know why he wants me to say or do that?"I'm to young?" I don't know what I'm going to do or say?".
But when you get to point where God can use you without letting words or how people are going to perceive you interfere with whats more important "SOULS"!!! than one can say words like :"truly God has used this mighty man or woman of God" or' Look there he is God shinning all up and threw him/her" or" I know that that was nothing but God to have you say that to me" or' I really needed that " or "that came at the right time". Now that's what you really want people to say and admire your God threw you ." Boastful Soldiers" is what God is looking for its no way God has entered in your life and your ti met ,scared,shy, nervous not in this kingdom.
Its important that we understand that at no time should we minister this word nor reveal the things of God until you seek his face and your house has been cleaned and more importantly that your at a point or place where your so sensitive to God and his word that he speaks to you{speaking terms}. If these things are not happening or registered in your life, PLEASE! I beg of you PLEASE DON'T OPEN YOUR MOUTH ! cause you then have tainted the spirit and the word of God and then your operating out of feelings {false prophets}and that's not how spiritual minded people of God display or move in him. How you know what spirit people are operating in ask them for a scripture and under who's anointing do they speak threw. Alot of times people say God or the Holy Spirit told me or revealed this to me about you (feeling) and alot of times thats them "acting " out of impulse. Run from them! , cause the word of God and the people of God are used to : lead , guide, encourage, direct, commission , uplift or to bring forth light in your dark spots in your life and he sends you with scripture so that the meaning of the scripture can be revealed.
Stick and Move- letting God use you to his full potential. Commissioning his word wither its planting ,watering but don't interfere with Gods increase!!!!!!!!!!
So the same way you were boastful in the world be the same way now that you are a new creature in God.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dont Hate Get Like " GOD"

Proverbs 29V.10
The bloodthirsty hate the upright : but the just seek his soul.
Being in Christ hatred comes with the territory, And its not cause you think your better then them ; you just matured or grew up and they fill left out but they cant leave there dirt or anything else alone nor do they really take time out to exam there state of being{ Death Circle-doing the same thing your parents or those around you did before or why they have not yet met Christ "generational curses or bondage"}
The devil uses people to hurt you to a point to where you don't wanna be bothered{but the word of God says " How can you Love me and you never seen me and hate my people"and "if Me and my disciples went threw trial and error getting stoned & ridiculed why cant you go threw are you bigger than Us " long suffering is key to inherit spiritual blessings} and they talk and do whatever it takes to keep you off balance or distracted from the Father so that you can go back or slip and say or do something that resembles that old life and then your testimony becomes tainted and you become ineffective to the Kingdom of God.
But if you hold fast to the thought that God will not enable you but able you in all situations to go threw with a "WE WIN " mentality and that he will never put more on you than what you can bare. Threw trial and error comes testimony and a perfection in the trial that ables you to become a(n ) "Godly Ambassador- able to lift those and yourself when situations arrive."
So the food for thought is this : Hatred is at a all time high and winning souls is at a(n) all-time low I guess we forgot that our whole walk and ministry is people so no matter what they say or do keep your mind and heart focused on the soul of the man and not the countenance of the man winning souls and displaying unconditional love to all Gods creed of people illregardless of how they treat you. If everyone loves you and embraces you as there friend sit back and wonder why is that ? Cause if Jesus was here for the best interest for the people and they rejected him and he gave life , cured sickness/disease. and gave site so what are you doing or saying that they love you so much? The enemy at times has the sinner man blind to whats good for them and they will reject the Truth being given to give life. And at the end of the day you must remember" Its not about you but its about Jesus"
"win souls by any means and look for the positive in every situation"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

"Eternal Obesity"

Proverbs ch. 10v.21
The lips of righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.
Speaking and living the word of God and taking upon his manifestation and revelation of truth , knowledge , and his promises that are given to us and fulfilled on a daily bases;wither in finances,enrichment in his word,and bestowing blessing in others lives around us. You cant help but live full and as the others may say " were spiritually obese".
Being full of this word really helps in any and every situation (trials- to test your spiritual man to bring forth Gods love and perfection to life , so that others can marvel at where you use to be and were he has you now), So then its to be seen that God has that "I want some of that" impression on those that are of another creed/religion/denomination.
Alot of people spend there whole lives looking for fulfillment(picky eaters-don't want anything but what they think is good and nutritious for there soul and being(snacks-lil gods/habits) so they die starving cause they refuse to eat whats in front of them "Real food" (Gods Buffet-all the things that God promises you so that you can eternally be filled and pleased) The answer is simple GOD! his word and wonderful works. We spend our whole lives looking and going threw things that others have already done, or have already been threw"death cycle" so you rather starve than to simply eat whats good for the nutriment of your body.
OK stay hungry and when your ready to eat and ready to put done the snacks aka lunch ables and ready for a 3 course meal it will be an ushering / desire in your spirit to come to Him, but until then ,will be inside the A.C. coolin it eating :basking in Gods glory,honor,promises,praises,and all his marvelous works.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Get Your Knee Game Up!!!!!!!!!!!

Genesis ch.13v4
Unto the place of the altar,which he had made there at the first: and there Abram called on the name of the Lord.
when all else has failed and sometimes you feel like your in a place where there is no one there who cares or can help like David did so many times before by seeking the face and the presence of the Lord, and in that he will appoint someone to touch and agree with you {for the Bible says"when 2 or 3 are gathered in my name not with there hearts fixed nor there minds made up of self thoughts/beliefs ,there he can dwell in the mist"} wither it be seeking prayer for your love ones,problems at the job, habits that are hard to break and you need deliverance, if there is a lack or a spiritual fulfillment that's need , or needs that you need met, you made a mistake and you need to ask God for consistency in your walk with him, or you just want to tell God thank you for everything, or the things that you fast and pray for; your desires or needs that have been meet and you just want to take a lil time out to thank him for bringing them to light, or more importantly you pray for a deeper understanding and a stronger desire for him(drawing closer), or even pray for the sensitivity of his voice that you will be able to receive his precious word as a gift for what it is intended for; so that the Shepard who brings forth this gift may also hear your voice clear and deliver your message with a clear heart/mind that our spirits may be able to receive the word{"connect"} ;but not only receive it; but apply it to our lives and those around us."The impact of true Prayer"
You can defeat the devil or any "WAR" that you may be going threw right on your" Knees"
"Cast your cares upon him for He cares for you"{you cant survive this walk by yourself}
God loves knocking down your giants!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Spatting On God : Cutting Off Your Life Line

Pslams ch.89 v.39
Thou hast made void the covenant of thy servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground .
This is the very act done that is done when the word comes forth and you sit with your "five senses" alert and you here truth and there is no "action "or "change" in your attitude nor behavior from the time you enter into the house of God til the time you get home or even go to your jobs or whatever your destination purpose you to go.
The word of God defines you as unstable . nonbelievers, religious, corrupt, confused, and double minded when you sit up in the house of God and act "HOLIER than thou ". but when you leave the house of God there is no difference in the way you talk, walk or carry yourself around non-believers or even so believers of another faith{dressing , cursing (saying everything in the book and cant even speak a blessing into someones life nor can you quote a scripture that you live by), sagging(hipp huggers or wearing your pants below your waist inviting everyone to look and take part of your butt party) , exposing your body (unitising men or men unitising women with tight ,short, or anything provocative or not promoting "kingdom fellowship.")
So what are you living? If you never open your mouth and people see you can they see the difference in your life than in theres? Can they sense the presence of God on you like in the book of Matthew when it speaks of Jesus walking out of the city and two blind men were so sensitive to God that they sense his son coming and his very fragrance / footsteps was such that they just begin to profound who he is and awaiting to receive the very blessing that they seeked.
What are you doing with this very truth that has saved you from yourself plenty of times(death/deception/destruction/etc. any evil intentions) If their is no use of this word than you are no different from those who crucified Jesus on the cross or better yet you are seen as a "Nailer/Spatter" upon Jesus ,when he yield his body to better our walk and to govern or faith according to his word which is his instructions to his "sacrificial love" for us.
Respect and Treat God as Royalty and as if he is which he is our "Life Line"

No tricks; No treats ; Awakening from The Devils Deception

Deuteronomy ch.18v.10-12(*10 & 11*)
10.)There shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times,or an enchanter, or a witch, 11.) or a charmer , or a consulter with familiar spirits, or wizard, or a necromancer(calls the dead).
How do we take a day that was first started as a sack religious culture to sacrifice virgin young girls to be surrendered by there father and mother so that they can be raped; but they saw it as a sacrifice to the devil ; and then Stone Hinge in England to toast or run around the hinges to celebrate the sacrifice to there devil. Then again when the bible speaks in the Old Testaments of the men would gather and go to different houses to collect young children to sacrifice and they would leave the parents who surrender there children or to the devil with the all mighty" punkin".
So why do we honor or even remotely pay any tribute or respect this cult celebration; that represents the very evil were suppose to be preaching and living about. But here is the great news the bible speaks that the righteous will not be found blind nor will they be ignorant of the deceptions/tactics /nor tricks of the enemy.
Then we have the audacity to dress our kids up in the very demons and spirits that try and keep us from Gods Glory /Truth / and Righteousness Covenant word. See we entertain things at times we have not a clue about; then look we make the very thing that its really about the main focus innocently"The Children" and we put the punkins and decorations up symbolizing that we render our kids and house holds over to the enemy, and we wounder why our Kidd's act/dress/and there mannerism is such that is uncontrollable and is reckless even to the fact that no respect nor honor is even given unto you!!!!!! but yet and still we dress them up in demons clothing clocking and shielding them from truth and take them from house to house underlining the teaching of not taking things from strangers but were instilling in them how to go and pick up traits or spirits when we receive different candies from different house holds and its likening to prostituting or kids to the enemy flaunting them /shopping them around to the enemy as if were saying"trick or treat my kid is yours ;aren't they good enough to eat"
So now you know truth get rid of those things out of your household that makes it a "haunted house " with even the music{rap, country,etc. anything that sends hidden messages and unleashes rebellious,materialistic,and lovers of self becoming boastful proudful } movies {porn(unleashing lustful , whore like mentalities{will do anything to suffice the flesh} homosexual {when the men/women aren't enough and the devil starts to make you look at the same sex and you start feeling a certain way{probative mind -no covering over you and your mind is completely given over to self to think and do as you please anything to suffice that flesh "by any means necessary" ,scary(planting killing seeds into the minds of those watching it-teaching them to be hard and cold minded killers with no remorse or filling).Free yourself of these things that taint your walk and hinder your prayers and blessings from coming forth. Unless you do everything you pray and do will be ignored or void in the sight of God BECAUSE "HE ONLY ANSWERS THE PURE & RIGHTEOUS & HUMBLE AT HEART"
Now is the time to clean house and take back what the devil is trying to still from us{our women,kid's,and men} lets continue to pray and hold fast TO THE PROMISES OF GOD.
The only way that they will be unlocked is if you ask , believe, and receive all that he has for us and the concern of the lost souls around us.