Thursday, December 3, 2009

Watch out For Spiritual Prostitutes & Pimps!!!!!!

Proverbs 23v.23
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction,and understanding.
Alot of churches, ministries, and pastors use the very gifts that God has blessed them with to profit for there own gain , profit, and the biggest thing that everyone wants for there church is popularity or the filling of the pews so that they cam gain the offering from the people instead of giving and preaching Salvation.But if we sit back and examine the minds of those who look to gain the money and fame instead of framing and dedicating there lives to winning souls/
If your looking to gain all the fame and the love of the people then your defiantly in the wrong profession and a deceptive anointing and you midis well prostitute and go sell yourself cause your not a Son / Daughter of God but your a(n) enemy and a strong hold (threat ) to Gods kingdom.
Why do we look for the fame , popularity, and "warm embrace" from the people. Have we not learned from the Word{Bible -your life line and communication with God} when were giving or bringing forth truth that leads to Gods deliverance how people hate to see that and will turn, ridicule, and tare down , and destroy whats bringing forth new life ,health, and strength. The only thing Jesus and his disciples were doing were giving out free truth without serving there own hidden agenda / motives. The only thing that they were focused on was pleasing God by any means necessary: wither in be in death or long suffer cause they knew once they reach there final resting place that there blessing, rewards , and a crown in Heaven awaiting for them and that they finally get to see and share there love for there father. They also knew that there eternal rest was in God s hands . See they knew and understood that the people could judge and also could kill the body but could not control there spirit nor could they determine where there final resting place was.
Now let us look and focus our attention at the unrighteous ministers ,artist, and musicians who use there talents ,or "gifts", or there names for the money or to see how many units , fans , and money for offer {pimping God}they can capture with there sweet unjust and persuasive prophetic. Pay attention to when you listen to there songs or your sitting in there churches see how many souls are stirred and save and ask God to allow your ears and heart to hear his voice in the message that they are prophesying and see if what your listening to causes you to change or see things different or better yet see if the very thing that your feeding your flesh causes a driven desire or more of a hunger for God and see if it refreshes you. If those things aren't evident stop listening to or find you another church why keep playing and listening to a thing that doesn't help your soul but causes you to remain the same.
Pray and ask God to lead you and guide you to a Ministry or get you to a place in him that your constantly getting fed. And also ask God to get you to a point til it doesn't matter what you see or hear others talk about but , that you can depict wither that's your God or they are lovers and boastful of themselves . Allow God to get you to a point where you can hear from him and were you can grow as a light -meaning using the talents that he has given you to minister or that he leads you to a Shepard in which whom he is speaking threw -too and not to profit the things or short fame of this world.
Seek after true whole hearted servants who want nothing more than to serve and worship our true King!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These people and those things that they desire and serve shall pass and be uncovered and judge justly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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