Friday, December 4, 2009

Fix Your Face; Keep A Smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Proverbs 15 v.13
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countance: but sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
As people of God{saved satisfied Holy ghost filled and water baptised} we should be uplifted at all times. Our face determines at time who were loving and what were serving. If your face and demeanor is not inviting how then can you say that your blessed and highly favored when your not even doing light work?(winning souls, testifying,and spreading this gospel with I just cant help it mentality(aka by any means necessary).
If we go threw out our day first getting into the presence of God by first reading our word so that we can receive our orders , instruction, task, or Gods primary objective for the day or at that time,then the second step is to pray for everyone you know even those who you never met or that God leads you to minister too also remembering to pray for yourself last, third you ask God to put a song that's full of praise deep down in your heart that way no matter the error / trial that comes your way you can speak that word(its like superman with his icy breath you can put the word of God on the fire that the enemy tries to get you out of the presence of God)into the situation causing you to overlook that persons down falls/flaws and cover them with the love of God which intel's a smile, a warm embrace {don't force it cause you know in the work place they might stick you with those harassment charges. lolololololol}but if not a hug just begin to pray for that person to yourself or openly if they allow you , that's one way of showing the devil no matter the situation or problem we will take a stand on this word{Boldness}. More importantly is that what we really need to keep in mind is that deliverance and peace and more of Jesus is whats void in there lives).
If your saved and your still just as nasty , mean , and moody as you were when you first meet Christ then you need to GO back to the Altar and ask God to give you a spirit that's likening to His and that he can please change the countenance of your face so that you can draw souls and not run them away. For your purpose and ministry is to draw and witness about this great truth that you came into not to offend and scare those who need that very truth that was given to you whole heartily without any clauses or hidden gain.
It feels God to wake up knowing that there is a soul or a broken vessel that is in need of that gift that you possess. Darkness is drawn to the fragrance of truth/righteous cause there tired , battered , abused, miss treated, and missed used til there at there wits end and they have no other choice but to accept the calling of God s voice{tired of being the "Prodigal sons / daughters of the devils kingdom" and now they are longing for truth{change} that they can share that same passion and light that you share.
Be mindful cause when the unjust as well as the just{newly saved babes in Christ as well as the slipping}see you go threw your trial and error they watch your continuity to see if that very Love that you been trying to witness to them about is really residing in you. Alot of times your walk draws more souls than just your talk. People determine what path they want to take in God when they see that you been threw that same error that they are going threw . They figure dang/shoot if they go threw and make it than so can I . But the difference and hidden secret is that you went threw with the mentality and the notion that no matter what comes up against me I will stand on this truth that has been established, breath, and witness in my life and in the end of all things "we as believers win."
Its funny how even a smile or just speaking can change or witness to someones life. No one knows what your going threw unless you say something. And you better make sure the very thing your saying is that :your holding God to all his promises and you take Him at every Word: and if those things are not being displayed or said but instead your worrying, complaining, whining, and trying to figure the situation out by yourself you are viewed and the Bible defines you as a(n)enemy to his throne your a curse and God is not going to let you go on much longer you hindering and blaspheming the name of the Lord and no weapon formed shall not prosper!!
Wake up or go threw the day with the heart/passion/discipleship mentality after Gods own heart for that causes a praise & worship to come from your heart , countenance, and spew forth Gods praises out of your mouth,
Thought for the rest of your life : " Lead me Lord and I will Run After You". While running and following God will have you prove the very thing you speak or minister about. Can God trust his instilled word in you? don't answer that let your face and foot work do the talking!!

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