Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Having The Time Of Your Life

Proverbs 5 v. 23.
He shall die without instruction , and in the greatness of his folly he shall go astray.
In life we see without God we have no structure or balance within our lives. You go threw life feeling that no one cares and your feeling in the slums; and then you have those who are so into themselves{high minded/ or swagged up/arrogant}til they don't take a real look at life and themselves and see how foolish and messed up they are and in need of desperate help. Its kind of like or can be viewed as { take no offense}a dog who has a good loving home and is getting feed , belly rubbed, walked , just pretty much getting treated better than there kids if they have any or being treated like there own son/daughter{spoiled}and the only command that you really have to live by is well actually two rules :No Biting/No Using the restore room,s in the house and you and you leave all that cause you don't really want to abide those rules or either you tired of being treated and handled like a child; and you decide to leave or stray away from them to find yourself in this cold world. Now notice you never been out there but because you ride in the car passed somethings that spark your interest or you here other dogs barking or howling about it and it causes a(n) reaction or better yet sparks your interest. But its always a case when you leave home you never know how well you have it until your either gone or out there{its a cold cold world living without a purpose / Gods desire for you and a vision.
Here you are America (suppose to be Gods country) and here we are leaving just as vile or even worse than those of Solomon and Gomorrah. I mean look why are we so intrigued and so interested in sin ?. Knowing what it cost, cause I hope you do know all things dealing with the flesh(sin) comes at a great cost or pardon my french lost{Life, finances, hurt, doubts, fears, pain, double mindedness and mainly your soul}. Remember now everything in the flesh is a temporal high so when your riding high in your sin or at the peak of your break threw in your sin that you fall more into the slums or into the grace of self aka "My Own Destruction"
Fall in love with Jesus is the best thing that you will ever know , come to know , or will ever experience. No one can tell you how to go threw life nor how to feel but all things in God and that are from God are established forever and ever even unto Gods eternity.

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